
Character counter and word counter

    • characters without spaces
    • total characters
    • 0 words
    • 0 Unique words
    • paragraphs
    • 0 sentences
    • 0 average word length
    • Less than 1 minute – Reading time
    • 0 periods
    • 0 commas
    • 0 exclamation marks
    • 0 question marks
    • 0 colons
    • 0 semicolons
    • 0 dashes
    • 0 forward slashes
    • 0 double quotes
    • 0 single quotes
    • 0 hashes
    • 0 asterisk
    • 0 plus
    • 0 ampersand
    Number of letter/subword
    = 0 found
    Your text

    What does this character counter tool do?

    Our character and word counter allows you to determine the exact number of words and characters in your text. It helps you monitor your word count for academic papers, optimize text length for social media posts and much more.

    How are individual values calculated?

    Our character and word counter calculates the individual values based on the total number of words and characters entered. Spaces, punctuation marks and other elements are taken into account accordingly.

    Are emojis supported and counted correctly?

    Yes, our tool supports and counts emojis correctly. This is particularly helpful if you want to determine the length of texts for platforms such as Instagram or Twitter, where emojis are frequently used.

    No data storage

    We attach great importance to your privacy. Therefore, all data that you enter in our character and word counter is not saved. Your data will be deleted immediately after processing.

    How does the letter/part counting work?

    Our tool not only counts words and characters, but also individual letters. This is particularly useful if you want to determine the frequency of a specific letter or group of characters in your text.

    Which languages are supported?

    Our character and word counter is designed to support a wide range of languages. Whether you enter a text in German, English, Spanish or another language, our tool can calculate the number of words and characters precisely.

    • Alex Grygoriev
    • Posted by Alex Grygoriev
    22. June 2023

    Basics of horizontal lines in HTML Introduction to the HTML “hr” tag...

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    Timo van Harselaar

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