E-commerce SEO that delivers customers. Services that bring you revenue.

Transform visitors into leads and clients through Amazon, eBay, and Shopify.

Proven strategies that brought our customers 300%+ growth.

Fashion and Apparel
Beauty and Personal Care
Home and Garden
Pet Products
Eco-Friendly Products
Food and Beverages

Are you struggling to grow your e-commerce project?


Your website doesn’t get enough visitors

You constantly face challenges in attracting more visitors because your website isn’t on top for relevant keywords.


Your visitors aren’t turning into customers

You have consistent traffic, but they don’t convert into customers because they experience difficulties finding what they desire


You need to fight with large brands for market share

It is difficult to find out how to compete with large brands, which are constantly at the top of the search rank


You spend a lot on content strategy but get low results

You either spend money on low-quality content, or it doesn’t match your audiences’ relevant search keywords


Website technical problems affect site performance

It’s hard to do business, generate cash flow, and take care of the technical side of a website simultaneously, but hiring a tech team is expensive


Your visitors leave your website too quickly

Your website shows a high bounce rate, and prospects exit your shop without engagement, indicating they didn’t find what was expected


You feel it is necessary to grow your marketing team, but your budget isn’t ready

You find it difficult to track all nuances in SEO on e-commerce websites, but you think hiring a promotional agency is too early for you


You face challenges with SERP and customer trust

While you invest time and money into proper SERP strategies, your website still lacks trustworthiness and authority among your clients

You want to do your business and get money, not to be an all-in-one marketer.

Amazon SEO, Shopify SEO, eBay SEO - every resource’s use case needs to be studied regularly to keep in check all updates timely to maintain your visitors’ flow consistently.

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Welcome to Seodach

Get rid of unpredictable costs and results - it’s time to entrust your SEO to reliable hands.

Seodach is a reliable partner in the market of organic traffic and lead generation services. We know exactly what your business needs and we are ready to work with you!

Search engine optimization

Analytics, metrics and data points

Full graphic support

Full programming support

Personality Business & E-commerce Expertise

Help you get grant for our work


My name is Alex, and I have been in your shoes for 12+ years, developing my own e-commerce projects and helping develop and grow others.

I often hear the idea that SEO in E-commerce is like regular SEO. Still, I must convince you that it is one of the most complicated SEO branches, where all nuances are crucial for your success.

To underestimate the importance of e-commerce SEO means you are getting fewer clients and profits than it could be.

I created SEODACH to help DACH businesses, and e-commerce businesses, in particular, get more sales and raise their income consistently using the power of SEO.

I am here to convince you that SEO agency services could not cost a fortune but bring a predictable customer flow to start earning more.

Book a consultation with me to discover how I can help with your tasks.

What services are included in the e-commerce package

Competitors research

Defining your competitors’ keywords and building a competitive strategy

Technical optimization

Checking and optimization of the technical issues, mobile issues

Conversion optimization

Analysing customer routes, including design, customer experience, CTAs

SERP and customer reviews

Analyzing and optimization of SERP, incorporating reviews in SEO strategy

Effective content strategy

Creating and implementing efficient content strategies to lead you to the top

Full IT and SEO service

We will help you with the realization of IT solutions for your online store

What would be the plan for you to work with us?

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a complex service package?

Let’s start with the discovery session.

What our customers say about us

Workspace & reports

We make transparency our priority

Clarity of work performance and time tracking in real-time. You receive an individually configured dashboard in which you can monitor how work is being done on the project according to the parameters and KPIs we will establish together at the project start stage.
You get

Clear high-level overview

You easily see the progress and status of your projects, which leads to a better understanding of results.

Convenient reports

You have ready-to-show reports that could be shared with your company stakeholders to keep them aware.


Real-Time updates

You always have up-to-date information, helping you stay informed about the latest achievements.

Time efficiency

Avoid frequent meetings or communication for updates – you save time by having all relevant information in one place.
20+ cases

Check our cases

Make a request and we will demonstrate our cases and show you what we can do for you.

our process

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Don’t postpone your strategy in getting more profits

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Do you still have concerns?

Check our frequently asked questions (FAQ):

What makes e-commerce SEO different from traditional SEO

E-commerce SEO is specialized to cater to online retail platforms, focusing on product listings, categories, and user experience to drive sales directly from search engine results. Unlike traditional SEO, which broadly targets website visibility, e-commerce SEO aims to convert search traffic into customers by optimizing for buyer-intent keywords, improving product visibility, and enhancing the shopping experience.

How can SEO help my Amazon, eBay, or Shopify store grow

SEO can significantly boost your store's visibility on platforms like Amazon, eBay, and Shopify by ensuring your products appear higher in search results for relevant queries. This enhanced visibility leads to more traffic, which, when combined with optimized listings and an improved user experience, results in higher conversion rates and increased sales. Our strategies focus on keyword optimization, competitive analysis, and technical improvements to drive growth.

How long does it take to see results from e-commerce SEO

The timeline for seeing tangible results from e-commerce SEO can vary depending on several factors, including the competitiveness of your niche, the current state of your website, and the specific platforms you're targeting. Generally, clients start to see noticeable improvements in traffic and rankings within 3-6 months, with more significant growth and ROI evident from 6-12 months onwards as the strategies mature.

Can SEO services guarantee my e-commerce site will rank #1

While SEO significantly improves your chances of ranking higher in search results, no reputable SEO service can guarantee a #1 ranking due to the constantly changing nature of search engine algorithms and competitive dynamics. Our focus is on implementing proven strategies that increase your visibility and attract more qualified traffic, leading to sustainable growth and improved sales over time.

Do I need a large budget to start with e-commerce SEO

We offer scalable SEO solutions tailored to fit a wide range of budgets and business sizes. Starting with SEO does not require a large upfront investment; our discovery session can provide a roadmap tailored to your specific needs and budget. Investing in SEO is about building a foundation for long-term growth, and we're here to guide you through prioritizing actions that offer the best return on investment.

What specific strategies do you use to improve e-commerce SEO

Our e-commerce SEO strategies include comprehensive keyword research to target buyer-intent phrases, on-page optimization for product descriptions and metadata, technical SEO to enhance site speed and mobile usability, and content marketing to build authority and engage potential customers. We also conduct competitor analysis and backlink strategies to improve domain authority and visibility.

How do you measure the success of an e-commerce SEO campaign

Success in an e-commerce SEO campaign is measured through a variety of metrics, including organic traffic, search engine rankings for key product keywords, conversion rate, and overall revenue growth from organic search. We use advanced analytics tools to track these metrics, providing you with transparent, actionable reports that demonstrate the ROI of our SEO efforts.

Can you help with international e-commerce SEO

Yes, we specialize in both local and international e-commerce SEO. Our strategies include optimizing for regional search engines, translating and localizing content to target specific markets, and understanding and implementing international SEO best practices to ensure your products reach and resonate with global audiences.

How does content marketing fit into e-commerce SEO

Content marketing is crucial for e-commerce SEO as it helps to attract and engage potential customers, build brand authority, and improve rankings. We create high-quality, relevant content that addresses the needs and questions of your target audience, including blog posts, buying guides, and product reviews. This not only helps in attracting organic traffic but also in converting visitors into customers by providing value and building trust.

What should I do if my e-commerce site has been penalized by Google

If your e-commerce site has received a penalty from Google, it's important to first identify the type of penalty (manual or algorithmic) and the reasons behind it. Our team can conduct a thorough audit to uncover any SEO practices or technical issues that may have led to the penalty. We then devise and implement a recovery strategy that includes cleaning up harmful backlinks, fixing on-page SEO issues, and ensuring compliance with Google's guidelines to restore your site's rankings and traffic.

Basic principles of organic traffic

We offer helpful resources that provide your company with comprehensive knowledge about seo and organic traffic! 

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Timo van Harselaar bei Seodach
Timo van Harselaar

    What is your marketing budget?